Metros Tenders

4 Bidders for 2365 KM High Speed Rail Line’s Ridership Study


4 engineering & consultancy firms today submitted bids for carrying out ridership (traffic) studies to help develop individual Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for approx. 2365 km of new High-Speed Rail projects in India.

The 2365 km figure includes the following 4 lines:

India’s National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) had invited bids for this mega survey-package, along with another one that deals with data collection & survey works, in early-December with a 180 day completion period.


  • Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Ltd. (DIMMTS)
  • PK Engineers
  • RITES Ltd.
  • Urban Mass Transit Company Ltd. (UMTC)

Package: NHSRCL/CO/CA/TRAFFIC/2020/40

Scope: Carrying out Ridership Study (Traffic Study) for DPR of Various HSR Corridors (Approx. 2365 kms long)

High Speed Rail lines planned by the Government of India

The bids have now been sent for technical evaluation which can take up to a month to complete. When that is done, the financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened to reveal who’s the lowest bidder and most likely contractor for this service.

Back on December 5, NHSRCL received 4 bids for all four lines’ data collection and associated survey work.

Scope for Ridership Study

Contractor should use suitable technology like Lidar based system/Camera based system for Vehicle count and other related activities defined in Employers requirement section. Contractor should submit necessary proof and output of above used system in addition to the list of deliverables given in Employers requirement section. Contractor to also submit documentary proof of conducting WTP Survey, as defined in Employers Requirement.

The scope of work of the Study has been divided into 2 stages, applicable separately for each corridor:

Stage-1: Secondary Data Collection

The available demographic, socio-economic and traffic / travel data for influence area of the corridor will be collected.

Stage-2: Primary Data Collection

A number of traffic surveys will be carried out within the influence area of the Corridor for assessing the present traffic characteristics. The survey locations and survey pro- forma will be finalized in consultation with NHSRCL. The primary and secondary survey data collected from previous studies carried out in the cities and locations in the influence of the proposed HSR Route will be utilized suitably.

For more updates, check out the High Speed Rail section of The Metro Rail Guy!



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