Metros Tenders

SBI Bids for Agra Metro’s Automatic Fare Collection Contract


State Bank of India (SBI) today emerged as the only bidder for the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) contract (Package AGAFC-01) of Agra Metro Phase 1 project.

This systems contract by Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) will be executed on the PPP (public private partnership) model where the chosen contractor will be responsible for design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of the end-to-end Open loop EMV (RuPay/Master/Visa) NCMC card-based AFC system and QR code-based ticketing with each device connected to a central back-office AFC system.

This is a retender. In the first round, UPMRC invited bids in July 2022 and received zero bids in December 2022. A retender notice was published shortly after with a 1050 day period of work.

Brief Scope: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing Commissioning of open Loop EMV NCMC card and QR code based Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) System on PPP basis for Agra Metro Project

Indicative only: AFC gates on Singapore’s Downtown Line – source: Kochi Metro Blog

If UPMRC is not satisfied with 1 bid, then this package will head to a retender. If they are (they really have no choice at this stage) then SBI’s bid will be sent for technical evaluation which will take a month or so to complete.

SBI’s solution provider (JV partner) remains unknown to me. In the past, they’ve partnered up with Aurionpro Solutions for Kanpur Metro and Noida Metro projects.

A list of all Agra Metro’s packages (civil & systems) & their status can be viewed here.

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