Metros Tenders

Sree Giri Wins Kochi Metro Phase 1B’s Proof Consultancy Bid


Back in mid-August, Sree Giri emerged as the lowest bidder to provide Proof Consultancy services to Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) for the 2.95 km Kochi Metro Phase 1B project’s 1.163 km SN Junction – Thripunithura section.

KMRL originally invited bids for this service in April, received 2 bids in early June from STUP and Sree Giri, but ended up canceling the tender for unknown reasons. They then re-invited bids in late-June and opened technical bids in July-end to reveal 4 bidders.

KMRL’s estimate is unknown at this time. Financial bids were opened on August 13 during which Balaji Railroad System’s bid wasn’t opened as they were disqualified in the technical bid evaluation stage.

Financial Bid Values:

Firm Bid
Sree Giri Consultants Rs. 52,98,200
RITES Ltd. Rs. 1,35,70,000
STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Rs. 1,64,38,580

Contract: KMRL/PRJ/DandP/117/2020/ PC/TEN-02/2020

Brief Scope: Selection of proof consultancy services for the detailed structural design of the elevated viaduct and one elevated station from S.N. Junction to Thripunithura of phase 1B of Kochi Metro Rail Project”.

Route map of Kochi’s Phase 1B (Petta – Tripunithura) – view Kochi Metro info & route map

General Scope:

  • The Consultant shall provide and complete the Consultancy Services, to the standards and in the manner, frequency, quantity and times specified in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, except for variations which have been agreed to in writing by the Employer.
  • Proof consultant shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of his obligations under the Agreement and in accordance with the prevailing standards of the profession and shall provide professional, objective and impartial advice and at all times hold the Employer’s interests paramount.
  • The Services include the co-ordination between the DDC and employer. The Proof consultant shall obtain, co-ordinate and submit all the proof checked documents and drawings to the Employer for his information and approval. Such co-ordination will take place throughout the contract period.

The tender has since August 13 been stuck in the financial bid evaluation stage. The most likely reason for this is the extremely low value of Sree Giri’s bid which is not even 2/5ths of the second lowest bid, which to me, without access to KMRL’s estimate, would be a red flag. If and when awarded, I’ll add an update here.

Test piling work for this section’s construction commenced on August 17 by KEC-VNC JV with support from Aarvee Associates (Project Management Consultants) and LKT Engineering Consultants (DDC), and the appointment of a Proof Consultant is essential for work to smoothly proceed.

For more updates, check out the Kochi section of The Metro Rail Guy!



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